Thursday, February 28, 2008

A call for civil obedience

Considering the massive effort being put into enforcing the new traffic law, it seems appropriate for people to take action in response. Here is my proposal:

Nobody honestly believes that the purpose of this campaign is to improve driving behavior and conditions, and since considerable investment has been placed in buying new civilian cars, radar equipment, cameras and so forth, the best way to respond to this highway robbery is to abide strictly to the speed limit.

I mean it. Today I went to Irbid, and on the way about 8 patrols were stopping cars. As for me, I used my cruise control to adjust my speed every few minutes (whenever the speed limit changes). It took me a few minutes longer, but I managed to avoid being stopped. I have vowed that they will not take another dinar from me for any traffic violations.

Imagine if we all decide to do this. Nobody will be fined, and the government will lose the investment that it made. What better way to lift our collective middle finger to our insatiably greedy government?


At 7:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought once that we bloggers should dedicate a day to following the traffic laws to the letter and see if it makes a difference. (With the exception of a few Texas stops, I do follow the traffic laws).

Not just to fulfill your last sentence, but because it is the right thing to do to save lives. The 70kph rule you last posted about tho, would be a severe stretch of my ability to obey.

At 7:56 PM, Blogger Hatem Abunimeh said...

Now that is my Khalf, the Khalaf that I know and respect, the prudent,the balanced, and the cognizant. See how simple life is, if we all learn from you and abide by the speed limit and vow to never again violate any traffic laws, and yield the right of way to the other driver, believe me Jordan will be in a much better shape than the one we have right now.Drive safely and may allah forgive your father & admit him into heavan, allah willing. Best regards.

At 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Though our infrastructure falls way behind the developed world but we pay taxes in percentage to income as much as they do.

Yet, I have to disagree with you. Speeders and offencers have no excuse to double the speed limit, to cross red lights, double park, or drive the wrong way.

And yes, many people in the developed world are democratic themselves and cherish laws and regulations as the best keeper of social order.. many as well are not regulated only by harsh penalties.. take smoking for example in europe, take traffic laws of the UAE, drugs in bangkok, piracy in the US.

It definately helps regulate in addition to good infrastructure in the first place.

At 11:35 PM, Blogger Tallouza said...

Infrastructure is key. Traffic laws are made to be broken if road infrastructure is bad or poorly designed. Laws are social contracts. Each party has a deliverable. In the case of the new traffic law, the citizen is being strictly scrutinized by the regulator while very little scrutiny is being placed on other end of the stick. Traffic laws are like several other laws in this country, written by people who do not seem to under the complexities of the subject. There are various new laws that are being drafted these days by lawyers who maybe understand law but definitely do not understand much about the subject matter of the law that they are drafting. In some case laws were written by foreign consultants where Arabic translations of key technical crucial stipulations are non existent. Telecom law is a good case in point. Please do not get me started becasue I can go on and on and on.


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