Monday, October 10, 2005

Where is the straight jacket?

Emad Mujahid, our genius astronomer and seismologist, now has our equally professional Petra talking about the splitting of the moon 1400 years ago. This fictitious report claims that at the time of Mohammad (PBOH), the moon split into two segments, as is stated in the Holy Qura'n.

The report states that the results of the Clemintine space mission show that this event occurred. Looking up the NASA website, the only significant findings from that mission (in 1994) involve possible ice deposits at the poles of the moon. No split in the moon.

I think that Petra reporters need to learn how to use the web before making idiots of themselves.


At 9:55 PM, Blogger Oleander said...

that's sad..

when I first started reading the post I was expecting some unparalleled wisdom from Mr. Mujahid regarding the recent Pakistan quake.

At 6:40 PM, Blogger jameed, RPh, MS said...

you are just jealous. hey, maybe you can start theorizing about..umm..volcanoes.

At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

frankly, I'm continually amazed that Petra reporters can use keyboards.


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