Saturday, December 10, 2005

Jordanian Yemeni University

I hate the way that our press announces momentous news in one sentence briefs. Al Rai has an example here. It says that Jordan will establish a Jordanian Yemeni university in Aden, to "enhance cooperation in the field of higher education between the two sister states". The item later says that the minister of higher education and the governor of Aden and the president of Aden University visited the location of the university.

This is a very interesting piece of news. I assume that the public sector in Jordan is involved, since the minister of higher education, Khaled Toukan, made the announcement. The question that arises is what are we committing to here? Money or expertise or both? Or is this just another rash announcement in the heat of sisterly affection that will never see the light of day? My guess is the later, after reading lots of these things in the past.

As we say in Jordan, Il haki ma a'laeih jumruk (there are no customs duties on talk).



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